NSMEA Composition Grant
The NSMEA offers funding for NSMEA members who undertake to commission a composition for their ensemble. Applicants can request up to $600 towards their composition.
The Grant is intended to support ensembles with uncommon instrumentation, different skill levels or cultures, etc.
The NSMEA have a growing directory of local composers available.
- Any NSMEA member may apply (must have paid membership dues for the current academic year).
- Applications will be assessed on an ongoing basis. Applications must be received at least one week prior to the next meeting date to be added to the agenda and reviewed.
- An estimate from the composer and explanation of the reason for the composition must be sent for approval. A final invoice and mailing address must be sent upon completion. A cheque will then be issued.
- Composition requests will be granted at the discretion of the Funding Committee.
- Preference will be given to projects utilizing Canadian, specifically Nova Scotian, composers.
- A write up for the newsletter outlining the composition, ensemble and it's premier is required for the newsletter, upon completion.
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